Outward Bound Ideas

Ideas from Bookgleaner@gmail.com - Also: http://Inwardboundpoetry.blogspot.com - http://Onwardboundhumor.blogspot.com - http://Homewardboundphotos.blogspot.com - And http://davidthemaker.blogspot.com/

My Photo
Location: The City, On the edge

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

22. John O'Hara, Sermons and Soda Water

"I know this man so well, and with his permission, but I had never heard
him make such an outright declaration of love for his wife, and on my way
home I realized that until then I had not known him at all. It was not a
discovery to cause me dismay. What did he know about me? What, really,
can any of us know about any of us, and why must we make such a thing
out of loneliness when it is the final condition of us all?
And where would love be without it?"