Outward Bound Ideas

Ideas from Bookgleaner@gmail.com - Also: http://Inwardboundpoetry.blogspot.com - http://Onwardboundhumor.blogspot.com - http://Homewardboundphotos.blogspot.com - And http://davidthemaker.blogspot.com/

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Location: The City, On the edge

Friday, October 27, 2006

77. Thank Youse II

Thank you Dorothy Parker
"Her mind lives tidily, apart
From cold and noise and pain,
And bolts the door against her heart
Out wailing in the rain."

Thank you George Borrow
"The mountain snow: the crust is sound;
The wind doth twist the reeds around.
Where ignorance is, no grace is found."

Thank you Gerald Stern
"What would you give for your dream
to be as clear and simple as it was then
in the dark afternoons, at the old scarred tables?"

Thank you Howard Neverov
"Two universes mosey down the street
Connected by love and a leash and nothing else."

Thank you Jane Hirshfield
"There are names for what binds us:
strong forces, weak forces.
Look around, you can see them:
the skin that forms in a half-empty cup,
nails rusting into the places they join,
joints dovetailed on their own weight."

Thank you Jo Carson
"When I am dead, it will not matter
how hard you press your ear to the ground."

Thank you John Koethe
"It troubles me that time should make things sweeter, that
Instead of learning how to perceive things as they are I've
Learned to lose them, or to see them as they disappear
Into the insubstantial future."

Thank you John Stuart Williams
"Then, before you can touch him
He is gone, leaving on your fingers
A little more of his weariness
A little more of his love."

Thank you Jonathan Swift
"How very mean a thing's a duke;
From all his ill-got honors flung,
Turned to that dust from whence he sprung."


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